How to intoduce your name to our friends

Now , many people Shy or can't speak English well ,but so many people now if somebody speaking English.
From now don't be afraid about English or other . Here i want teach you "How to Intoduce your self".
The important to say all people need the vocabullary . So if we haven it ,how to speak faster?. This any some vacabulary you need.

Let me : Biarkan aku
Introduce : Memperkenalkan
Complete : Lengkap
Everybody : Semua orang
Usually         : Biasanya
Call         : Memanggil
Part of : Bagian dari
Born : Lahir
Student         : Pelajar
would like : Ingin
Best : Terbaik
Friend : Teman
Want : Mau
Will : Akan
Can : Bisa
About : Tentang 
Ask : Bertanya
Because: : Karena
Know : Tau
Meet : Bertemu
Tell : Memberitahu
Try         : Mencoba
Think : Berfikir  
So                           : Jadi
And then               : kemudian
Now.                       : Sekarang
Well .                      : Baik 
Great seeing you : Senang bertemu denganmu
See you next time : Sampai jumpa lagi

Hello, Friend 
Good morning
How do you do

Let me introduce myself to you. My complete name is Antony,  but everybody usually calls me Tony,
I am from west Jakarta  which is part of  Jakarta city. I was bron on February 23, 2004.  so I’am twelve Years old,
I am student at junior high school. 

I would like to introduce my friend to you. His name is Andy, he is from Jakarta, he is twelve years old, he is my best friend.

Great seeing you, See you next time.

English is easy ,because we just speak about language no other. So what make you share?.
After this godwilling you can speak english be wary. 

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